Drums of Liberation!
Welcome to the Plasma Majin Gameplay Update, the iconic lightning maniac of Dragon Ball Online. With exciting new skills, mechanics and playstyle, the adventure begins anew for those who have played Plasma Majin before, or have been interested in the class but were held back by its poor design and gameplay. You’ll be able to choose between blasting your enemies with pure energy or dismantling them with electrical force. This remake is very comprehensive, spanning everything from early leveling experience to late game Monster and Player combat, as well as item synergies and item revamps to enable you to play according to your desired playstyle. Without further delay, we present to you the Plasma Majin Update!.
The Drumbeat Quickens!
Plasma Majin’s ultimate iteration! A perfect balance of support and DPS, perfectly encompassing its’ identity and thematic reference to Raijin, the thunder god. Equipped with lightning and energy attacks, buffs that truly bring your team alive and fast action gameplay, Plasma Majin has truly attained its’ identity in the world of Dragon Ball Online, unleashing mayhem on your enemies and joy for your allies with its’ complex and intricate kit!
Plasma Skills unleash an AoE buff for yourself and all your allies. The nature of the buff is selected at random and can be one of the following:
- Godspeed! : Electrically charge your allies, increasing Attack, Movement and Animation Speed for all allies for 10 seconds.
- Mantra! : Increase your allies' awareness by detecting movement, increasing Dodge Rate for all allies for 10 seconds.
- Magnoshield! : Trigger a Magnetic Barrier, blocking damage for all allies for 10 seconds.
- Cauterise! : Cauterise your allies' wounds, granting a small Heal Over Time for all allies for 10 seconds.
- Voltage Up! : Empower your allies' damage, granting them bonus damage on the next skill.
The drums beat, finding the enemy to battle.
- Increases Focus and Hit Rate.
A natural beat that increases your critical damage!
- Increases Energy Critical Damage.
A drumbeat that cools you down, reducing your skill cast time.
- Reduces Cast Time.
By running electricity through your rubber body, gain increased vitality.
- Increases Constitution.
Enhance yours and your allies speed and cooldown reduction with an electrifying beat!
- Increases Attack, Animation and Movement Speed.
- Increases Cooldown Reduction.
Allowing your rage to consume yourself, you're able to charge Rage Points both for yourself and your allies.
- Recover Rage Points (AoE) scaling from your RP Regeneration.
Surround yourself and your allies with an intense electrical charge, dispersing any skill damage or curse they receive back at the enemy.
- Creates a barrier blocking skills.
- Reflects damage onto caster of skill.
Conjure a holy drum and smash down against it with all your might, creating a majestic beat that liberates all allies.
- Cures all negative status effects.
- Castable whilst stunned.
Shroud yourself with electricity, causing a thunderstrike allowing you to reach maximum voltage!
- Enter Rage Status, increasing Attack, Movement and Animation Speed.
- Immunity to Paralysis, Stuns and Petrification.
Slam your drums, disrupting the enemies' skill casting.
- Increases enemies' skills cooldown.
- Increases enemies' skills cast time.
Drain your enemies' health by paralysing them in place!
- Drains LP.
- Paralyses the targets.
Perform a cursed ritual, summoning up the Dead-Zone!
- Summons the Dead-Zone Core!
- The Dead-Zone Core can be used to cast Dead-Zone, causing all nearby enemies to be rooted.
Open the Dead-Zone! The intense gravitational fluctuation roots all who are closep!
- Roots all nearby targets.
Empower each of your drums with your energy, unleashing a dual wave at the enemy.
- Deals Energy Damage.
- Castable during Rage status.
Manifest a spiritual drum, smashing into it to unleash a volley of energy waves.
- Deals Energy Damage.
- Castable During Rage State
Charge up and unleash a combined energy wave with thunder strike, dealing massive damage and inflicting burn on the target.
- Deals Energy Critical Damage.
- Burns the target.
- This skill can be casted whilst in Rage State.
Charge up your electrical energy and unleash a powerful lightning strike at the enemy, dealing massive damage with chance to instantly kill all those in the path!
- Deals Energy Critical Damage.
- Small Chance to Instantly Kill the target(s).
Jump up to the sky and charge up a powerful lightning bolt to descend from the skies, crashing down onto your enemies, paralysing them.
- Deals Energy Critical Damage.
- Paralyses the targets.
Release all the built up lightning in your body, paralysing and burning all nearby targets.
- Paralyses all nearby targets.
- Burns all nearby targets.
- Only castable during Rage status.